Last week in church, Pastor Golling preached about the Psalms and gave an introduction about how they are different than other scriptures. For our opening activity in youth group we wrote limericks. These are some of them.
There once was a girl named Cortanee,
Who sometimes acted dorky.
She'd good around
And role on the ground.
There once was a girl named Cortanee.
There once was a boy named Ryan,
Who really, really liked flyin'.
He went with Bruce
and they almost crashed.
So, so close Ryan.
There once was a worker named Kyle.
He was moving a cart full of tile.
He failed to see a pot hole
And the fall took its toll.
It scattered the ceramics for a mile.
There once was a girl named Renee,
Who loved to frolic with hay.
But her mom came around
and then she soon found,
that she'd be schooling all day.
There once was a kid named Gen,
who loved her dear old pen.
She once wrote a song
It took her ten years long.
Where is that kid named Gen?
There once was a man named Nicholas,
Who found out that he was ridiculous.
He was really silly
And hung out with Billy.
What a ridiculous man named Nicholas.
There once was a girl named Julia,
who flunked out of school-ia.
She was really bad at limerick poems
And had never learned to fill out forems.
She didn't get past second grade
And then she became very afraid.
There once was a man named John,
sometimes people called him ding-dong.
He cried in his beer,
Ran far and near.
He wished people would call him John.