Friday, November 30, 2007

New Weekend Youth Schedule

We now have a Saturday night service at CCBC. The service starts at 6:00 pm. This is the new youth schedule for the weekend.

Saturday night during adult care group hour (7:30-8:30) we have youth group for 7-12 grade. This group will meet in the last modular.

Sunday during third hour adult care groups (11:30-12:30) we have youth group for 7-12 grade. This group will meet in the last modular. Note there is no longer a class during the second hour service, so please join the rest of the church for the worship service during this time.

On both Saturday night and Sunday morning we will be discussing Pastor Gordie's sermon, sharing prayer requests and other items that come up. Please pay attention during the sermon to take full advantage of this new direction we are taking.

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