This is going to be a new feature for the blog. Rather than always having my perspective about what happened, I am going to have guest student writers to give their take on the events that we do. I asked Renee first, so here you go. Enjoy!!
Hi! This is Renee from CCBC. I'm sure you've seen me around youth group and church. I make sure to go every week. Anyway, I was asked by Pastor Gruber to write a report on what went down at the YAM overnighter. So, I gladly obliged.
It all started at around 6:25 PM last Friday. I packed my bags and headed to the church. We prayed and then were sent to our car groups. I was lucky enough to get Deb as my driver! The drive from Puyallup to Lacey is extremely long, and there was a wreck on the highway, so we got there a little late. After we got our stuff put away, we met people from the other church. They all looked nice, but they must have been nervous, because they weren't saying hello to Kelsey or me. But, Brandon, Blaine, Alex, and Colin were with us, so I don't blame them. I'm just kidding!!!! =D
So we played a get to know you game, where we had to find a bunch of people that had things in common with us that we didn't know. That was interesting. I got in a group of all guys, and they were like, "Hey! You're from the same planet as we are! We have that in common! Hehehee." I was like, ooookay, sure. So we pretty much stared awkwardly at each other for about 8 minutes until the game was over. Then I went back to Kelsey.
After that, we had worship and a sermon. I enjoyed the worship part; all the people in the band were very talented. I do wish that they played more upbeat songs, though. The songs they played were kind of sad. I thought they could've cut out a couple of songs to make it shorter, but it still was nice! Then Pastor Gruber did a sermon about how Christianity is a journey. It was very helpful to my Christian walk. But, again, I think that it was about 20 minutes too long, because after the worship and sermon it was like 10:30, which is usually when I go to bed, so I was kind of tired.
We had pizza (ladies first!), then we went to the YMCA! I love going to their YMCA because it has a rock climbing wall, but unfortunately they forgot to get someone to work the wall, so there was no rock climbing. We did link tag and other games that were really um, interesting, and very painful. They made me extremely sweaty and the guys held on to my arms too tight during link tag, so my arms were all red. But it was still fun! I straightened my hair that day, and it became all curly again, which made me pretty annoyed. It takes like an hour! I think that we should've done the roller skating first, because everyone got all sweaty from the YMCA and it was really gross having to get in the car again and be so close to everyone. But back on the Y, I didn't get to swim because Kelsey forgot her swimsuit, and I didn't want to go swimming without her, so we went to the exercising room. Brandon and Kelsey and I went on the treadmills. We were racing each other, but Brandon won, of course. Then Brandon tried to use the weight machines. That was hilarious! Next we went on the play place area, which I know is for little kids, but I haven't been on one of those in years. It was good getting in touch with my inner child! There were two lights in the room, so it was very dark. It made me scared, and it didn't help that Brandon kept on grabbing my ankles and screaming. (I watched 1408 the night before.) But anyway, that was really exciting. Then there were some troubles in love land, so Kelsey and I tried to help out. Of course, I don't really think we did anything, but it's the thought that counts, right? =) I tried to air-drink Alex Berger's mountain dew, because apparently I have girly germs and that is just not acceptable on his drink, but anyway, I completely choked and got a bunch of dew in my nose. Boys find this funny, apparently. IT WAS NOT FUNNY. I'm sure everyone who is reading this really wanted to know that information. You're welcome! =D Anyway, once we got all sweaty and icky, and my hair got frizzy and curly again, we drove to a roller skating rink. That was so cool, because they opened it just for us! I wish we could've done the corn maze, like last year, but I think it was cool that they tried something different. I don't like skating that much, because it gets pretty boring after a while. It didn't help that it was like 2 in the morning, and I was pretty exhausted. I really wanted to go to bed. We spent like 4 hours there, I believe. No one knew the songs, but Kelsey and I tried to dance to them anyway. Blaine, Brandon, and Cody used our hair bands to do their hair, which looked very interesting once they were done. (Guys, please don't braid your hair then put barrettes in them. Not a good look.) Kelsey and I took pity on them, though and tried to help. We did the hokey-pokey on roller skates. That was really fun! There were supposed to be roller skating races, but they changed their mind, so I took my skates off, then they changed their mind again and decided to have them, but I didn't feel like putting my skates on again, so I didn't participate. Once we were even sweatier from the roller skating event, we went back to the church. I almost got ran over by a car because I wasn't paying attention, but Kelsey saved me. Thanks, Kelsey!
The church sympathetically gave us a really yummy snack with a variety of food! We had about an hour to do whatever, so Kelsey and I played ping-pong for a bit, then tried to sleep, which is very hard to do when people are bothering you, so we did not succeed. At about 5:30 AM, it was bedtime. I laid on a church pew and tried to sleep, but there were people talking and a really annoying air vent or something that kept on making noises. I got about 2 hours.
In what felt like 12 minutes later, Deb woke us up. I put all my stuff together and buckled myself into Deb's van. She was so sweet and let us go to Starbuck's. We got lost, though, and didn't go to the right one, but that's okay. I got a delicious tall Double Chocolate Chip Frappechino. (I think I spelled that wrong.) Unfortunately, Deb got lost. Very lost. I admire how patient she was when she decided how lost we were. She was like, "Oh no, I think I'm lost." It was pretty funny. We went the wrong way down a one-way street. Then we tried to get on the highway, but apparently the people in Olympia don't like it when you do that, so they made it impossible to get on! Deb bravely asked a cop how to get on the freeway, and he told us. Even though we must have driven for at least 1 and a half hours, we got to the church only 20 minutes late. I really enjoyed going to the overnighter, and I hope to see you there next year!